
What is the effect of steel roof truss support?

To ensure the integrity of the roof truss, improve the space stiffness.Only consists of a plane truss purlin roofing and the steel roof structure is an unstable system, if some of the roof in the proper position with support combine and become stable space system, the rest of the roof again by purlin or other components connected in this space stable system and guarantee the stability of the steel roof structure. Avoid pressure rod lateral instability, prevent rod produced large vibration and support as the chord roof truss rod lateral support, reduced chord of the out of plane calculation length.Bear and pass horizontal loads, such as longitudinal and transverse wind load, the horizontal load and seismic action of the crane.Ensure stability and convenient during mounting, roof installed first support will be two adjacent roof truss linked body composition of a basic space stability and order of can be based on to the installation of other components.

This blog is published by china steel roof structure manufacturer Jiangsu Andy Steel Structure Co. Ltd.

